UF Health
Urban Health Alliance
Transforming the conditions where people are born, live, learn, work and age.

Identify and implement programs to address social determinants of health (SDOH) and reduce health disparities.
Provide education and training opportunities in our community for individuals of all ages.
Conduct and provide support for innovative research to improve health equity outcomes in our community.
Provide empirical evidence to inform, create and modify policies affecting population health.
panel discussion with leaders
A Life’s Course – The Load, The Impact
In collaboration with Healthy Start’s Magnolia Project, please join UF Health Jacksonville as we embark on an initiative to increase awareness of the impact of toxic stress, helping women and their caregivers identify coping mechanisms to fight the effects of stress on health and well-being.

Urban Health Alliance Representation at events across Jacksonville

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Contact Us
Contact us if you have any questions, or if you’d like to learn more about the Urban Health Alliance!